Why take trevoca?
Taken once daily, Trevoca promises you good health and a lot more. Living a healthier life enables you to do more – for yourself, for your loved ones, for friends and other people.
Do More in Life with TREVOCA
Power – packed with essential multivitamins + minerals + Ginseng + Ginkgo Biloba + CoQ10 + Lycopene + Lutein, each Trevoca tablet does a powerful job of providing you with a balanced nutrient supplementation for an active mind and vigorous + youthful body. Its components act in synergy with each other allowing you to experience better results.Taken once daily, Trevoca promises you good health and a lot more. Living a healthier life enables you to do more – for yourself, for your loved ones, for friends and other people.
Trevoca for a healthier life
Compare Trevoca with other brands. One look and you can tell the difference. Each caplet of Trevoca is sleek and slim. Unlike other products that contain excipients that act as adhesives to bind ingredients together, Trevoca is 90% excipient free.Excipients are unnecessary to cell enhancement but are needed to bind ingredients together.
The result is bulky product.
Trevoca utilizes advanced formulation technology that keeps the product pure, potent and just the right size without extenders. It removes 30% to 40% of the total weight of other products, which normally consist excipients.
Trevoca dissolves quicker thus it assimilates into the body better and faster. The secret lies in Trevoca’s unique formulation developed by a team of researchers from all over the world.
Trevoca Formula
A complete line of vitamins and minerals combined with a broad spectrum of antioxidants (Vitamin E, Co-Q10, Lycopene, Lutein) made complete by two of the most proven bioactive herbs – Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba.Trevoca has been formulated using a complex combination of formulas based on sound and proven principles to ensure a complete program for cell enhancement.